If you are building a home for the first time, you likely have a ton of questions – everything from financing to finding the best company to partner with in creating your dream home, the process itself can be overwhelming. As such, most home buyers have plenty of questions about how the stages of new home construction actually works.

While the process can be different depending on the partner you move forward with, there is a general guide as it relates to the stages of new home construction.


Here are the stages of new home construction – preparing you for your upcoming project


1. Pre-Construction

Before construction begins, plans for your dream home are developed and submitted to a permit office for review. Permits can include the structural building, electrical, plumbing, and more. This is where you may go back and forth on permit specifics with the municipal office, so be prepared for feedback.


2. Construction begins

Once you receive approval from your municipality for your permit, it’s time to build the foundation of your home. During the construction build, the initial phase, your house will be staked out and your land will be prepared. The foundation walls will be erected, and poured concrete may follow. At this time, you will be ready to move into the next phase, which will be on the specifics of your home – flooring, cabinets and moving into the character elements of your dwelling.


3. Framing your home

After the foundation settles, it’s time for the framing, which is the exterior walls, partitions and the roof that is assembled. Roofing will be completed as quickly as possible during this time. Windows and doors are also installed, as well as any basement additions that will happen.


3. Interior and Exterior

Now that the roof is on, a great deal of work will happen both inside and outside of your home. The exterior walls will be insulated, and another inspection will happen at this time. Walls and ceilings are painted, siding is applied and other health and safety regulated items are included (like handrails, for example).

Your builder will stay in very close contact with you during this time, as your home will literally change before your eyes! There will now be deadline and key decisions that must be made during this time, as this phase will move very fast.


4. Completion and Possession

Now that the inspections have happened and your builder has been busy completing the finishing touches (and cleaning up!). you will do your walk through of the home. Any touch-ups that need to happen will be identified, at which point you will be handed the keys to your new home!

The stages of home construction can be guided through to these four phases, though there is certainly plenty of work that is completed during this time. It is a fast and furious process, and you need to be surrounded by experts. To learn more about selecting a home builder who will work for you, click here to connect with us.