Let the Cozy Come In

Let the Cozy Come In

Grey. It’s that time of year in our part of the world: grey sky, grey mountains, grey streets. Evening comes sooner and the city turns cool and damp. What cheers us as the grey takes over? The trees! Orange, gold, yellow, red, butterscotch brown… Every time a flaming...
Keep the Sun Coming!

Keep the Sun Coming!

Recently we visited my daughter and her husband in their new rental, the ground floor of a beautifully renovated mid-twentieth century house. Outside the door we stopped and marvelled: they now enjoy a large covered patio surrounded by planter boxes and a cleverly...
Energy-Saving Homes

Energy-Saving Homes

There’s no getting around it: we are all going to be spending a lot more time in our homes for the foreseeable future. And if you’ve been planning a major renovation or even an entirely new house, now is the time to make sure you plan for that home to be as...
All the Build’s in Stages

All the Build’s in Stages

Planning the Plan I know how it feels to be excited about a project, but to make sure that project goes smoothly, your excitement must not override the need to thoroughly pre-plan. This includes going into the process with a reasonable budget to pay for every stage of...
Building in Vancouver: Yes, There Are Regulations!

Building in Vancouver: Yes, There Are Regulations!

While Vancouver may have fewer housing regulations compared to cities in other parts of the world (did you know that in the Netherlands, for example, seventy percent of an apartment building’s tenants must agree to a landlord’s proposed improvements to avoid...